install Java on Linux

chris (2002-12-16 18:05:20)
2 replies
Just a short one - for installations of the java2 runtime environment, and the java2 sdk, you can go to and pick up the self-extracting binaries..
I recommend assuming root priviliges, then

1) put them somewhere sensible like /usr/java
2) chmod 755 *bin if necessary
3) run each one and accept the license agreements
4) symlink the required applications into your own bin folder eg ~/bin/
OR symlink them into a generic bin folder eg /usr/bin
In particular you will need javac to compile your .java sources.

For browser support, you will need to copy the .so file, (or create a link to it) into the plugins folder of your preferred browser. Much the same process as installing the Flash plugin..

that should get you started
2002-12-16 18:24:23

here's an example

And this is how I enabled java in phoenix (moxilla-based) browser..

[root@baikal plugins]# ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/plugin/i386/ns600/

So it's dead simple.
I like working this way, cos I always have a squillion tabs open under Galeon, and it would be a pain if I had to close them all off whilst testing applets within a page/site.. so running Phoenix as an auxilliary Mozilla browser just for this java stuff is dead handy
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2003-07-05 04:06:22

another note

I should also note here that installing on RedHat 9 will only work if you use the newer j2re1.4.2. This is because it comes with a gcc 3.2 version, rather than gcc 2.9. I spent ages trying to get j2re1.4.1 to work, and it took someone on #mozillazine to point out what the problem was. is the place to go for downloads.

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